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Fly me to the moon... my love affair with the Rocketbook Everlast

Yes, I may seem like a stationery addict, and it’s probably the case, but my quest to find the perfect notebook (in general not for consec) may be over!

I received the Rocketbook Everlast as a gift a few weeks ago, and after initially being a little unsure about it I’m now a convert. The idea behind this notepad is that you’ll never need another notepad again in as it’s everlasting (as the name suggests).

Thanks to the free-to-download app you can scan the pages of your notepad and send them to email/dropbox/google drive etc., and then you wipe clean the pages of the notepad that you used. Seems like a genius idea, right?

All you need are the special pens – Pilot Frixion, and the cleaning cloth that you dampen with water. I was a bit sceptical about not finding the types of coloured pens I like or struggling to replace the pen that comes with the notepad, but when I went to my local stationery store I was pleasantly surprised to find a wide array on offer.

Another reason for buying a range of pens for the notepad to start with was to ensure that I didn't accidentally use the wrong pen and waste pages of the notebook. I'm sure this will happen at some point as is inevitable, but as there are 30 pages I'm sure not too many will get destroyed this way.

Like most interpreters, I often take down notes in the booth to help my partner – numbers, names etc – pretty standard, but when the meeting is over this ends up in the bin and the paper is wasted once both sides are used. Now, I can scan in any terms I wrote down (yet to figure out if the OCR option is any good and how to link that up to my Interpreters Help account – if possible?!? Any other users out there with a Rocketbook??), and can just erase the rest and no more wasted paper.

Perhaps this is the ideal gift for that environmentally-conscious interpreter I'm sure you all know?

There are also lots of shortcuts and tricks I've seen online - to make your upload location automated by circling a symbol on the page for example, but I've not yet needed to use these.

My only negative feedback so far would be that the cover seems to get marked quite quickly so I’ve made a little case on the sewing machine (pic below) to keep it in good condition. I’m not sure how long it will last but for now the binding and pages seem to be like new after use during a handful of sim assignments.

I’m also hoping that one day there’ll be a reporters pad the right size and with enough sheets to replace my consec notebooks – then gone will be the days of stacks and stacks of half-used notepads sitting round my flat!

What is your latest gadget for the booth?

Any tips on using the Rocketbook based on your experience as an interpreter?

PS this post was not sponsored – just an honest review of the notepad!

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